Monday, September 27, 2010


    I have always been a girl who enjoys being outdoors, but at the same time I was not to keen on the idea that I had to take colloquium.  Even though I try to be eco-friendly I was nervous that the class would be about constantly pushing me to put the environment as my main priority in life.  I was happy to see that the class was not at all like that.  It encourages us to get to know the environment that we live in as well as teach us how we can do simple changes that will make a huge difference.   Depending on the field trip I sometimes would rather have class, because even though I took Biology of Southwest Florida I still do not like walking in water that I think alligators are in.  Other than that I do not have any anxieties about the class anymore.
    I can use this class in my major as an elementary educator.  My students can learn about their environment wherever I decide to teach.  Sometimes I can even take my class outside to sit in the fresh air as I give them their lesson.  For example if my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade class is working on reading I can have them sit under a tree on campus and read quietly or as a group.  I can also teach them about recycling and conserving energy that way they can go home and share it with their family.
    My experiences outdoors involve mostly camping and running.  I absolutely hate running in a gym so I only do it when I have to.  Most of the time when I go for runs I try to find nature trails or community parks.  My family also goes camping pretty often in Florida and sometimes out of state, which is a nice opportunity to get away from it all.  I also like cannoning, snowboarding, and hiking.

This website shows a campground that I go to often with my family.

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