Monday, September 27, 2010

Field Trip-Campus Trails

Bloodwort flower   
Alligator Flag

Field Trip-Campus Trails:
    On our campus walk we visited a Pine Flatwoods habitat, which was mostly flooded due to it being the rainy season.  The two major trees that I saw along the nature trail would be the slash pine and the longleaf pine.  We also saw a lot of saw palmetto when we first got on the nature trail, which is in the understory.  The trunks of these trees are fan shaped, which allows for dirt and seeds to fall in and create a new habitat.  Since most of the saw palmetto trunk is beneath the ground it can withstand forest fires and regrow overtime.  AT the beginning of the trail we also saw a flower, which I think was a Bloodwort.  It had tiny yellow flowers and long thin stems.  We also saw the alligator flag plant, which I did not enjoy seeing since it meant that there could be alligators in the area.  Overall I enjoyed this field trip, because it was nice to spend time with fellow classmates in a unique setting and do something different than the average class.  I enjoy walking on the nature trails more in the spring, because you are able to go through the whole trail without getting wet.  I did enjoy this field trip, but my opinion did not really change about the campus since I took colloquium simply, because I have always enjoyed having the nature trails.

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